Disability Rights UK (DRUK)

Disability Rights UK (DRUK)
Disability Rights UK (DRUK) is the UK’s leading organisation led by, run by, and working for disabled people. DRUK work with Disabled People’s Organisations, public bodies, businesses and Government across the UK to influence regional and national change for better rights, accessibility, benefits, quality of life and economic opportunities for Disabled people.
Are you a young Disabled person, or a member of a DPO or social justice organisation? Are you looking to create a more intersectional approach to your organising, or join a protest to demand change? DRUK have created an intersectionality resource for groups and organisations, especially those working in social justice, seeking to weave intersectionality into their daily actions. If you’re a Disabled person who wants to exercise your right to protest, DRUK have also provided a detailed guide to Disabled people’s protest rights. We hope these resources empower you to organise and be a part of the change you want to see!
To find out more about DRUK’s work, visit www.disabilityrightsuk.org
Stephen: The murder that changed the nation
Comunity Groups / Organisations / Parents Careers / Post-16 & KS5 / School Leaders / Secondary (KS3 & KS4)

Stephen Lawrence Day Foundation – Social Media Toolkit / Pledge Kit
This year on 22nd April 2023, the 30th anniversary of Stephen’s death, our goal is to ensure that the next 30 years look different from the last. We believe that meaningful change starts with tangible actions. If we each commit to taking one action on Stephen Lawrence Day that will positively impact the lives of young people from marginalised backgrounds, together we can honour Stephen’s life and legacy, and build a fairer, kinder and more equitable society in his name.

Mahogany Inclusion Partners
Mahogany Inclusion Partners are a boutique consultancy offering tailored solutions for organisations at all stages of their racial equity journey.

FLIC – Financial Literacy
Navigate the complexities of finance with FLIC’s illuminating resources on understanding the minimum wage.