BAME Organisation
BAME Organisation
In the modern and fast changing world that we live in, social prejudice and inequality are still a prevalent issue. Despite the reality that the UK and the rest of the world are comprised of a mix of cultures, minorities are still being disadvantaged by old habits and practices that have been embedded into today’s society.
BAME is an acronym for Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic. They are a collection of likeminded organisations based in the UK that are in place to battle racial inequality by means of spreading awareness, creating equal opportunities for all ethnicities, and celebrating the history of minority groups through commemoration.
Currently, BAME is comprised of eight organisations:
- Advance HE (previously the Equality Challenge Unit (ECU))
- Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Education Trust
- Equality & Human Rights Commision (EHRC)
- The International Slavery Museum
- Preston Black History Group
- Race on the Agenda (ROTA)
- The Runnymede Trust
- The Race Equality Centre (TREC)
BAME’s mission and vision coincides with the Stephen Lawrence Day Foundation’s legacy for change that begins with reminding the world that racial injustice still exists today and the empowerment of minority through opportunities and education.